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Composition: Balancing Your Pictures

When a photo tells a story and uses several objects to tell it, that can be a lot for your audience to digest. To make sure they know how to read the photo, position the different parts of its composition so that the photo forms a single, balanced whole. The photo shouldn’t feel like one side or the other is too “heavy.” Let’s take a look at today’s article at how to use composition to get a correctly balanced picture. The post Composition: Balancing Your Pictures appeared first on Zonerama Magazine.

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Editor’s Choice: In Motion

For today’s Editor’s Choice, we’ve picked a picture set in a unique environment. You’ve probably seen—or taken—pictures like this set somewhere out in the wilds, or at least in a meadow. And that’s just one reason why this Zonerama photograph caught our eye. The post Editor’s Choice: In Motion appeared first on Zonerama Magazine.

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